Personal growth = Business growth
If you look and feel like shite, do you believe you're going to be putting the best of everything you have into your business? Taking days off with illness costs money and if not in currency, then in time and we all know that time is money.
With that time off, also means less opportunity, low morale and incomplete work and even overloading on to others (leading to employee dissatisfaction, which you know, down the line means more recruiting).
When you finally do get back to work, there's the catching up to do and the build up of stress from that, leads to more aliments. It's a vicious cycle and most of it is preventable, by improving your lifestyle.
With that time off, also means less opportunity, low morale and incomplete work and even overloading on to others (leading to employee dissatisfaction, which you know, down the line means more recruiting).
When you finally do get back to work, there's the catching up to do and the build up of stress from that, leads to more aliments. It's a vicious cycle and most of it is preventable, by improving your lifestyle.
- According to the Mercer study, sickness related absences and presenteeism are likely to cost $3.3b SGD by 2030.
- 85% of Singaporeans have suffered from head and body pain, with nearly half (42%) suffering weekly from body pain costing the economy $6.2b USD
- 17 people per day die from cardiovascular disease.
Staff and employees do your brain in
Throwing weights around increases testosterone
A lot of business is about being the alpha male or female. You have to be in control all of the time (and obviously composed without being a dick) and adequate levels of 'T' can help you improve competitiveness and self esteem.Low testosterone may result in a loss of confidence and lack of motivation. It can also lower a man’s ability to concentrate or cause feelings of sadness. Low testosterone can cause sleep disturbances and lack of energy - no good when you need to be on top of the game.
Cortisol is our natural 'stress' hormone, which actually decreases testosterone. Both men and women need a certain level of testosterone, for the most important role obviously - sexual function!
'T' naturally increases when doing resistance training and is needed to build muscle, reduce body fat, reduce the risk or Alzheimers, osteoporosis and will improve libido.
Cuts out thinking
You've already got stuff to think about. The first thing you do is in the morning is check your phone, you've already got a load on emails and texts. On the MRT you're replying to them and then working out what you need to get done for the day ahead. Waiting for you at the desk is a pile of unexpected work. People are constantly asking you questions, asking for help 'can you do this', 'can you do that', 'we need this done ASAP'. You barely get time to eat, then it's into a meeting, you know the drill...
One hour out of the day to focus on yourself is F**K all. You can fit it in before work, at lunch or even after work. The beauty is, it's time out of thinking, you can just jump into a class, or get a PT and get told what to do for a change. You could follow a program that's been made for you. Why stress yourself out more?
One hour out of the day to focus on yourself is F**K all. You can fit it in before work, at lunch or even after work. The beauty is, it's time out of thinking, you can just jump into a class, or get a PT and get told what to do for a change. You could follow a program that's been made for you. Why stress yourself out more?
You'll look smart as F@#K!
If someone came to you, looking for your business with jacket that looks like he's slept in it, shirt half tucked, scuffed shoes and scruffy hair, are you going to take him seriously? Nah.
Unfortunately people still have the perception of fat = lazy. It's cruel, harsh and completely unacceptable, but still do. An old mentor used to say to me 'dirty car, dirty pants', ie if the car's beaten up and messy as hell, what do you think their personal standards are like? It's an assumption of course, but do you want to risk the standards of your business?
What I'm getting at here is this, when you look sharp you feel sharp. You'll inspire others and build respect. People will make comments about 'how fit you look', or 'shouldn't be a problem for you'. 'I wish I could look like you'. What do you think that's going to do for your confidence and abilities...?
Targets = Results
If you're in business or own a business, results matter - numbers matter - records matter. 'What gets measured, gets changed' as they say, You'll find that if you're target driven outside the gym, you'll more than likely be target driven inside the gym.
Follow a program and each week aim to beat the last sessions reps, sets, weight, distance or time. Track your body fat, fat mass, lean mass, circumference measurements and best effort fitness tests to monitor your progress.
Use software to record it all and do sexy graphs and shit. You can download an app like MyFitnessPal and record your meals, calories and macros.
The more information you can collect, the more you can in improve, or adjust and the proof will be in the numbers.
Finally, with results comes motivation and with an increase in motivation, comes increased results.
Networking with like minded people
The reoccurring patterns coming up with my clients is, the networking/relationship building/entertainment. We know that often means late nights with lots of wine or early mornings with big breakfasts and the three courses for lunch, all of which takes its toll on the body.
What you'll notice is, the people that want to take care of themselves are in the gym (obviously) and training together is great way of still building a bond or relationships. It means that both parties have a common interest (ie staying healthy), and they probably don't want to be drinking and eating bad foods all the time.
Most businessmen and women want to train in the mornings or lunchtimes, so go at the same time. Look for classes or small group training, or even in the changing rooms, get talking. Remember all business starts with an introduction, so say hello.
You can achieve anything
Going from a bad diet to a better one, hitting your x1 rep max, dropping the 1st kilogram and even, just stepping into the gym in the first place, are all massive achievements. If you can hit these small achievements in the gym and continue to do so, you can do it in the workplace. As David Goggins - 'You can't hurt me' puts it, you have to 'callus your mind'.
From personal experience I can relate to this. When I completed the Arctic Ultra marathon on two stress fractures, I went through five days of excruciating pain. I wanted the cold weather to kill me and constantly wanted to give up. I kept saying to myself "just get to 'that' point then you can stop". Then I'd get there and pick the next spot. I can't describe the unbearable pain, I don't even know how I finished it, but I did and I got the job done. Now I can't use any excuse that I can't do something again, knowing that I did that.
A chance to learn
For me, I love self development and learning. I see going outside for a run as an opportunity to listen to an audible book. It kills four birds with one stone.
- I'm exercising
- I'm learning something
- Cutting out the boredom factor
- Saving time
See now there's even more reason to exercise. If you want to grow your business, then it makes complete sense to look after yourself first.
Keep it real guys
Is your business effecting your health? Are your stress levels burning you out?
Let's have a chat to see if I can help improve your lifestyle...